Thursday, January 28, 2010

Delay for the best.

Heyo, Gofio reader’s Cody here updating the site with some information.

First off, there has been a gap in updates lately because some family advancement’s have been rising and demanding help from me. My sister and her husband have hit the end of their monthly lease at their apartment and are now moving from there and into my grandmothers’ old house.

My sister and her husband put off and put off with their packing and moving till the very last week, this week. Causing everyone to freak out and demand we help her move everything ASAP. She had me run over to my grandmother's house and cleared it out, now of course I helped out when I was called on but I also wanted to rush home. Things were rushed and people were getting mad, so I bounced out. Now on top of that my mother and father thought it'd be a good idea to hollow out our garage and make a second family room so that I may play my video games in the main living room and have friends over without having to kick someone out the living room.

Fantastic idea, the 2'nd living room will be such a nice area for my grandmother and my mother. Another thing happening within this week is my sister-in-law is supposed to give birth to her newborn on Thursday. Bre and I offered to help Lorrielle at her house with cleaning, cooking, and watching over Travis and Ella. But! A new challenger has entered the ring! My brother showed up Monday with his co-worker and a great big female Husky. My brother said to his wife, "Robert can't keep his dog and I thought it'd be a good idea to keep her."

Of course she agreed and now "Cheyenne" is lying by my feet as I write this. In exchange for coming over and helping with the kids she has asked us to stay over for a few nights to help relax (going back and forth from our house to hers would be insane) she also cooks hella good food. To top it all, she and I took a trip to "The Brass Armadillo" where I of course sniffed out a bundle deal of comic books. She offered to buy them for me as a payment of being a big help, I got 50 comics for 9.99 and 21 for 3.99 so all in all 71 comics for a mere 13.98 + tax. An amazing deal if I say so myself.

Today the new dog went out-side to go pee n' poo and then chose to roll around in the mud from the rain, so I had to take her to the shower and wash her down and then dry her off, it was kind of fun really. Currently Bre is getting her hair straightened out by Lorrielle while I type this. I plan on getting up in a moment to clean some stuff for her and then play COD Modern Warfare 2 verses Bre and Brian. I also really want to finish the animation I started of a human hand flipping off the ground and then crawling on its fingers.

After hours of playing Modern Warfare 2 (and me winning every round) and eating food I have returned to finish writing this post. Now among everything that is happening, the best of all is, Bre and I are planning our wedding. She has already chosen white and a sort of light Kelly green or a turquoise green for our wedding colors, and we know for sure that we are heading to Cali’ for our honeymoon. We have been so happy about planning this and I can’t get enough of the smile on her face when I tell her she will be my wife soon. We set the date for September 19th due to the fact we met on that date. I will start construction on our house in order to start the walk way, slight repairs here and there to help out. We are writing our own vows and I hope like hell I do not fowl them up when speaking the out loud. Ultimately no matter how bad I speak my vows or Bre, I know it could not be as bad as Sandi and Robert’s wedding. I greatly look forward to the day I see Bre in her white wedding dress.

Here is a render of a "Gir" I started working on while I was at Seba's house.

And here is a quick render of the Non-textured hand I'm working on and plan on doing that quick animation.

I think that about covers it, sometime next week I will be updating the site with a comic book review, without fail.

Cody ~ Out!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Breathe" comic review

Sup Readers!? Cody here with a review of a graphic novel called "Breathe" by John Sheridan and Kit Wallis.

I picked this one up the other day at atomic comic's in the "Danger zone" for a mere $2 dollars. I thought it would be nice to review it due to the fact that the price being so low would mean it would be a horrible comic. So I dropped two bucks(normal price was $20) on it and also picked up 100 plastic covers for my unprotected comics. Anyways lets start this review.

Wow, I'm honestly surprised about the quality of this comic. The art in "Breathe" is so interesting to my eyes. The colors in the comic are a muted green with grey. The style of the comic is a mixture of "Samurai Jack" and "Avatar: the last air bender". The style really brought my eyes to the page and made me love the colors, but something stood out to me that you don't see to often in comics, that being the art of motion blur and depth of field. Nothing makes you feel like they are really running as fast as they possibly can like motion blur. The art was nearly perfect but lost a point for being unsure of itself. At times where you read the words you get a sense of them being worried or rushed, yet on the page the person speaking would seem sort of 'Blah' or even happy.

The writing in the comic flows rather well and brings in feelings of rush, worries, sorrow and excitement. The comic takes place in old china and holds tight to traditional terms of speech, making you part of the time with only a 1 or 2 out~of~place lines on one or two pages. The writer knew the story he wanted to tell to us and never wanted to let go but instead lost his touch in the very end. On the cover we see a young girl covered in blood(Honestly she reminds me of a anime version of Left 4 dead's Witch) and the subtext saying "tread softly in the bulrushes, lest you wake the dragon" which felt a tad bit misleading, the girl "Mi Ling" never really gets any blood on her other than her own and is never really violent at all. Though I enjoyed the comic I must admit I feel like the writer was unsure if he wanted to make the female the lead or the male, making the first half of the comic all about her and then the second half about the boy. The comic Ended with a sudden halt smacking us in the face with a "Really? Did he just do that to her?"

The only other thing that I can't leave out of this is, Why? Why the two page curve ball of our underage female lead getting nude to take a bath in the lake and then pointing out that she is becoming a adult(Psh, adult. Yeah, ok. O_o) by being on her first period. Where is the point in this? Why did this make it into the comic? My only guess is, they must of really wanted to draw a nude girl. Do us a favor next time, keep those drawing to yourself, unless it serves a purpose.

My final say on the comic is, 3 outa 5 stars. If you see the comic for a few bucks, please by all means, pick it up. If you can't find it for under five dollars, pass it up. Great comic for a low on cash, kinda buy, but nothing else.

I'll be reviewing "Haunt" issue #2 and "The Perhapanauts" within the week.

Okay Cody~Out!

Friday, January 8, 2010

"Frankenstein's Womb" Review

Yo! Cody here, dropping a review on "Frankenstein's Womb"

Now I received this comic from my brother and sister-in-law on Christmas, I got one look at this cover and leaped for joy on the inside. I love the idea of Frankenstein, But like I said I love "Frankenstein" The evil/insane/sane scientist that is extremely focused on bringing the dead back to life. This comic is not about Frankenstein, or about him making a baby monster. This comic mainly about a young woman who is married to a extremely time constrained jerk who demands they waste to much time letting his wife puke her guts out due to the fact of being pregnant. Along the strict journey they cross paths with Frankenstein's castle. She demands they stop the carriage to spare ten minutes while she explores his uninhabited castle, her sister in law asks her to stay, and her husband worries about the time and sends her off in a rush.

Once inside the castle Frankenstein's monster ambushes her and speaks with her about her life. Frankenstein's monster tells her life is short and that she is born from death, she opens up to the monster and tells him about her mother that died the week after birth. Suddenly we see her standing in the very room her mother passed away in.

So, I guess Frankenstein's monster is a missing ghost of Christmas past, because he takes our young woman with him to different places in time where he shows her the day she was born and the day a unknown man dies on a hospital bed and is brought back to life with a defibulation unit, as well as showing her that her husband will betray her and leave her for the, sister in law.

Wow, okay so lets hit the good points, the comic has amazing black and white art work that shows such great detail in the sorrow of their faces, also bringing creepy vibes in the right moments. The art work of the comic really drew me in giving me one of the better feeling of truly hard work and care for detail in the comic.

The writing in the comic flows rather well at first, but loses it midway and then picks back up in the end. In the start the conversation between the three people in the carriage is good but has its flaws, the husband has a gutter mouth and breaks the feeling of traditional speaking terms, the conversation between Frankenstein's monster holds up neatly until he travels through time, he then loses my grip for who he is and why I should care about him. The ending of the comic was rather well placed, it didn't feel rushed in anyway and flowed perfectly leaving me something nice to say for it.

The shading and writing of the comic makes for a nice old times feel, creating a interesting moment of reading, but is sorely ruined when attempting to add current trash talk and fowl language, it is also ruined when the monster brings us to current times and keeps explaining why she is extremely alike him in the ways of life and death but never gives us a reason to care.

Bottom line being, a 2 and a half out 5, Good artwork, horrible/pointless writing, misleading title/cover.

This was a review by Cody on "Frankenstein's Womb" and I say, don't waste your money, go get Watchmen or Kick-Ass.

Today was my 19th birthday, it's 2:45 am and my head is splitting in two. Thanks for reading and good night.
