Thursday, July 1, 2010

Review on "Rough Weather Ahead For The Flash"

Sup' Gofio readers!? Cody here with a review on "Rough Weather Ahead for... The Flash" Written by Stuart Immonen and Kathryn Kuder. Art by Steve Lightle.

Now right off the bat I'll admit that most of my comic book reading is more about the lower grade and lesser known comics due to how I have learned to dislike the main stream comics because the fan base for main stream comics like the hulk, and batman, always have die hard fans, and that really kills it for me. So I normally stick to the off beat comic and every now and then will grab a known comic like Kick-Ass, Flash, Batman, and so on. So needless to say, I expected this comic to be sorta "meh". Ok moving on now.

Story: The story in this issue is that Flash wants to take a vacation from being a hero and do something as his alter ego Wally. So he and his friends choose to hike a giant mountain covered in snow, which is never named. Hmm, a hiked often but unnamed mountain? Lazy writing?

Anyways, they start their quest towards the top of the mountain with Wally and some other forgettable people, a Asian woman and her frail, push over husband "David". Along the way they hit the dry air and have trouble breathing. Wally jokes about flashing his way to the top of the mountain. Suddenly wally hits the floor saying he cannot see due to all the snow in his face, "but it's not snowing Wally?". We suddenly realize that Wally is 2 out of 1,000 that gets a high altitude sickness, it causes blindness and loss of motor functions. Oh, um, alright. I didn't think that this comic would be about The Flash needing to be saved.

Okay so the two tour guides tell the other hikers that someone must get wally down the mountain as quick as possible or he will die. This causes the pissed off Asian girl to get even more pissed off at her husband who is supporting someone helping Wally and starts to scream and shout about how she paid good money to climb to the top and shouldn't be forced to quit early due to some douche bag dying (she is killing the Flash slowly.)

Finally after some time one of the tour guides says to the group that he will help wally down alone. They get half way down the side of the mountain and make camp. Wally lays inside the tent as he overhears a emergency radio call about the second tour guide breaking his leg, or something, the radio cuts it out and you don't really know whats going on. So Flash pushes himself to get up and forces himeslf speed up to help save the tour guide, Asian girl, and her husband. But when he gets to the top of the mountain he gets screamed at by the woman about how she refuses to lose money and will climb down her damn self. The Flash knows there isn't time for him to be up there listening to her so he grabs the guide and speeds down the side of the cliff and leaves him at a hospital then goes back up to the top. The woman is still screaming about her money as the snow starts to shake from the cliffs causing a hardcore avalanche. At this moment he realizes that the speed of him running is ripping the air and causing the snow to break from the edges.

Nerd-gasm. That is so badass! Needless to say he saves the dumb girl and her wimpy husband and they all live thanks to the Flash.

Art: Now the art in this comic is sorta average. At first I really didn't like it. It has a old 1980's kinda inking to it and the drawing in it is sorta like a Saturday morning cartoon. But after reading it I came to the idea that if the Flash was drawn in any other way I might not of liked it so much. It just feels natural.

Writing: At first I enjoyed the writing. The comic started with the Flash stopping a bank robber using nothing but timing. It felt right and flowed fine, but after that he goes on vacation and I guess the writer did too, cause it just goes down hill from there. I have no idea who the other hikers are and I only caught one name other than Wally's. The Asian girl is the most annoying chick to be saved by a hero and it wasn't till the end of the comic that it was pointed out that one of the tour guides was Wally's brother.

These plot holes could be just because this was the first Flash comic I have read, but if so, why the intro to who the Flash is? why build him up as someone you are teaching me about? Flaws.

Characters: Ugh, Other than Wally, I just have no one to talk about. Wally is cool and has a personality which really caught me but no one else in the comic matters.

This is all I can really think of other than that dumb Asian.

Alright so this was a review on "Rough Weather Ahead For... The Flash" I rate it a plain 3 out of 5 due to lack in personality and careless writing. But it did give me a great joy when he ripped the snow from the mountain and the art really fit what the comic was. I will be looking into other Flash comics. Though I don't fully recommend it.


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