Sunday, November 1, 2009

SAW: the video game review

Yo Cody here. Dropping a review on the SAW the video game.

Okay first off I wanted to hate this game. I rented this game due to it being around Halloween, and because I heard the puzzles did make it worth it. Now with that aside I will move on.

The game starts off with you being locked up to a chair. You break the locks on your wrists by pulling up on them(because, you know, your super man) then you take control of the black man they like calling Detective Tap even though it looks nothing like Danny Glover. Now lets be fair, human likeness can be hard. So you move onto attempting to remove the reverse bear trap on your head before it goes off. This is the first of many easy puzzles. Your puzzle is twist the thumb stick 'round and 'round till a button shows up, hit the correct button and you break out, just in the nick of time. okay Um, really? "It's a trap!" achievement unlocked, okay that's a really stupid achievement, it's like getting a achievement for opening a glowing box for items and oh, "Treasure: unlock first container". Okay Imma be frank about this. I hate games that force you into a achievement, like as if you got one for your first time-leap back in braid. God I love braid. The one achievement I did want, never showed up. That part in the first movie where Adam is using a camera to light his way in his pitch black apartment and then is pounced upon. I used the camera to light my way for quite some time and even took pictures of foes. never got a achevment. So upsetting.

So aside from the massive achievement let downs, I'd like to point out how slow the fighting is in the game, I had assumed it would be like most games were you pick up a pipe and swing away at the foe till he dies. Well that works, really well. If you are fast enough to land the first hit, and are good at timing the speed of the foe as he runs at you. I started the game and found the first foe, he breaks through a door and runs at you, you pick up a pipe and wait for him to get close enough. I did this, and then swung at him, only he hit me first, canceling my hit, over and over again. I had to stop trying to him him and run away for a moment then swing well before he got close enough. The time span it takes to swing your weapons is just ridiculous.

For some reason Det. Tap is barefoot and is incapable of removing someones shoes to place over his own. This brings me to my next point, some tasks are just a waste of time, like the balance beams you have to cross, just run across and hold left and you'll make it across 9 out of 10 times. Broken glass is easy to see and is far to easy to side step past. digging through a toilet full of needles for a key is as simple as A button, A button.

In the menu of the game you can look at concept art as well as the E3 footage and other perks but the concept art is always something I look forward to in any game. after looking at the concept art it will then show the 3d model of the art chosen, this shows us how konami can not model a person very well.

The cut scenes in the game attempt to pull off the cinematography from the films, they need to watch the movies more than once before making a game of it. It has none of the saw elements to it other than the environment, the look and feel of the game is really the only thing they managed to do really well, the rest is very blah. I have yet to finish the game and I do look forward to finishing it despite all the horrible issues it has already. Something about the game keeps me entertained enough to have the urge to see the ending(Maybe because the movies always had interesting twists).

The only fun I had in the game was the first big puzzle where you feed the poison to the trash and the antidote to yourself. Also getting a achievement for each weapon drove me to keep playing, as well as the mystery in the game.

I would like to give this game a rating of 2 and a half stars out of 5. Nothing more than a rental. My say is final!

Cody Out~

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