Thursday, July 1, 2010

Review for "We will bury you"

We Will Bury You. Oh, how I had high hopes for you. I will try to keep this one short. Written by Brea Grant and Kyle Strahm. Art by Zane Austin Grant.

Story: The story on this one is about a woman (Mirah) and her husband (Henry) living in a city full of zombie and only females are able to walk among them because they don't like females? Wait no that can't be right. Oh, so in the start a girl is walking through a city full of men that were poorly drawn and look like zombies but are not zombies. So the story is about, wait.

Okay this comic is about a woman that works at a club where the girls dance with men for a fee, kinda like a strip club only with their cloths on. Well as she is working there her manager pulls her into the office and yells at her for slacking in her sales. She brushes him off and goes back on the dance floor where she dances with another woman poorly disguised as a male (Fanya). Mirah is cheating on her husband with this woman, and plans on running away together. But choose not to leave yet due to the chaos going on outside, riots in the area and people murdering each other. But Henry catches wind of this and chooses to murder her cross dressing lover (Fanya). Being a smart cross dressing woman, she already knows his plan to kill her so she goes to Mirah's apartment and murders her husband before he has the chance to murder her.

Not knowing that Henry was bit by a zombie hours before the murder, they choose to hide his body in the streets where the mass murdering and anarchy is happening so no one would know that fanya killed him. But Henry rises from the dead. End of issue #1.

Art: The art in this comic made it really confusing and ruined the whole damn comic. I couldn't tell if someone was a normal human of a zombie. It was like someone tried to be a art freak and said "Well if I make it really confusing, people will like it!" No, no that's not how it works. The art in this comic is nothing more than a eye sore. At one point I was reminded of Full Throttle, you know, that old DOS game from 1984. Now don't get me wrong, Full Throttle was a fucking fantastic game, but there was a part where she is welding and just looks really low bit, well it reminded me of that.

Writing: The writing in the comic tried really hard and failed even harder. It started out okay but right from the start gave me the wrong ideas. In the start we see two girls walking through the city and it looks like they are all men in the distance and the art crippled the faces making them all look like zombies. and the first words spoken are "You think women are the guardians of mortality?" as the husband hides in his apartment seemingly scarred to go outdoors.

Well okay so maybe I just jumped to quickly at cool zombie ideas. The writing goes on to fall flat as we keep reading at points where some people talk like they are from the 1920's while other people talk as if they are from our current time. Poor writing makes the story hard to understand and dialog stale and out of place.

Characters: Henry, Fanya, and Mirah, are just the plainest and pointless leads I have read about in a long time, just useless. Not interesting and fail to make sense. like a good example is when Fanya murders Henry with a typewriter, Mirah comes home and finds Fanya standing over Henry and then bam, scene change to them talking about it over a cup of tea without a sad, happy, or even confused look on theirs face, just blank. Fanya says to her "I know you're angry, but please don't call the police." to which Mirah replies "You know I couldn't do that to you." Um, you can't? That bitch just murdered your husband with poison and then smashed his skull open with a type writer (yeah, she poisoned him first but he stumbled towards her and she bashed his skull in, all without making a single facial movement) .

Now get this, all the people in the book are just plain and stale except one guy. and that one guy is this poor fool who just really, really wants to dance with a girl, he ends up getting denied by every chick and then smashes a beer bottle on a counter top and stabs some guy in the neck while screaming about how he wasted his life spending all his cash on these girls who wont even give him a dance without cash in their faces.

Bottom line, this comic wasn't worth the time it took to read or the 4$ price tag. Mindless dribble about two girls with no personality's. I give "We will bury you" a hella sad 1 out of 5 for poor writing, soulless people, poor dialog, and poor art. The only reason I didn't give this a 0 out of 5 was because that freak that wanted to dance as well as the cover being really cool. Greatly disappointed.


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