Thursday, January 28, 2010

Delay for the best.

Heyo, Gofio reader’s Cody here updating the site with some information.

First off, there has been a gap in updates lately because some family advancement’s have been rising and demanding help from me. My sister and her husband have hit the end of their monthly lease at their apartment and are now moving from there and into my grandmothers’ old house.

My sister and her husband put off and put off with their packing and moving till the very last week, this week. Causing everyone to freak out and demand we help her move everything ASAP. She had me run over to my grandmother's house and cleared it out, now of course I helped out when I was called on but I also wanted to rush home. Things were rushed and people were getting mad, so I bounced out. Now on top of that my mother and father thought it'd be a good idea to hollow out our garage and make a second family room so that I may play my video games in the main living room and have friends over without having to kick someone out the living room.

Fantastic idea, the 2'nd living room will be such a nice area for my grandmother and my mother. Another thing happening within this week is my sister-in-law is supposed to give birth to her newborn on Thursday. Bre and I offered to help Lorrielle at her house with cleaning, cooking, and watching over Travis and Ella. But! A new challenger has entered the ring! My brother showed up Monday with his co-worker and a great big female Husky. My brother said to his wife, "Robert can't keep his dog and I thought it'd be a good idea to keep her."

Of course she agreed and now "Cheyenne" is lying by my feet as I write this. In exchange for coming over and helping with the kids she has asked us to stay over for a few nights to help relax (going back and forth from our house to hers would be insane) she also cooks hella good food. To top it all, she and I took a trip to "The Brass Armadillo" where I of course sniffed out a bundle deal of comic books. She offered to buy them for me as a payment of being a big help, I got 50 comics for 9.99 and 21 for 3.99 so all in all 71 comics for a mere 13.98 + tax. An amazing deal if I say so myself.

Today the new dog went out-side to go pee n' poo and then chose to roll around in the mud from the rain, so I had to take her to the shower and wash her down and then dry her off, it was kind of fun really. Currently Bre is getting her hair straightened out by Lorrielle while I type this. I plan on getting up in a moment to clean some stuff for her and then play COD Modern Warfare 2 verses Bre and Brian. I also really want to finish the animation I started of a human hand flipping off the ground and then crawling on its fingers.

After hours of playing Modern Warfare 2 (and me winning every round) and eating food I have returned to finish writing this post. Now among everything that is happening, the best of all is, Bre and I are planning our wedding. She has already chosen white and a sort of light Kelly green or a turquoise green for our wedding colors, and we know for sure that we are heading to Cali’ for our honeymoon. We have been so happy about planning this and I can’t get enough of the smile on her face when I tell her she will be my wife soon. We set the date for September 19th due to the fact we met on that date. I will start construction on our house in order to start the walk way, slight repairs here and there to help out. We are writing our own vows and I hope like hell I do not fowl them up when speaking the out loud. Ultimately no matter how bad I speak my vows or Bre, I know it could not be as bad as Sandi and Robert’s wedding. I greatly look forward to the day I see Bre in her white wedding dress.

Here is a render of a "Gir" I started working on while I was at Seba's house.

And here is a quick render of the Non-textured hand I'm working on and plan on doing that quick animation.

I think that about covers it, sometime next week I will be updating the site with a comic book review, without fail.

Cody ~ Out!

1 comment:

Exy said...

it's great to see a blog of another animator that nobody comments on but he posts anyway... lol