Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome all the changes.

Sup, Gofio readers, Cody here with a post about some of the new changes in my life that I wanna welcome.

Lately I have have been at a slight pause point on my rate of producing my 3D models and animations. But in the past few days I have had a number of ideas for animations and models. A few days ago I had stayed up till roughly 4:30 in the morning just doing computer stuff when it hit me that my 3D skill has reached the point where I can now make some of the stuff I wanted to make when I first started, such as human heads, mutants and other things. I took some time out and made one of the deformed faces I had in the back of my mind for years now.

Other faces and things will be made soon, I will be starting another model of a highly detailed human face from my most recent comic book review "The Scribbler". Another animation I am working on as of this moment is one about a "Guy" that starts dancing, and ends with a bang.

And to finish the 3D section I am also lacing the finial touches on my "Gir" unit for my good friend Sebastian.

Lately some things have changed around to bring me to a greater state of happiness. Bre and I have decided to take the idea of our wedding to a outdoor wedding and a beautiful wedding park. We really wanted it to be a out door wedding from the start and we just love being near lively plants, we found a few japanses tea gardens and places like that with waterfalls and bridges and lots of bright green trees and grass. Another thing happening is about Tim and I. Tim has been re-writing his version of "Real: A documentary of a super hero" over and over again. Tim has been looking into renting a Red One camera for shooting the movie on the highest of quality film stock. I thought for sure that Tim and I were never going to be making another short film unless I saved up for a camera and asked him, so at that point I just turned my focus to nothing more than writing, comic books, and 3D. I greatly await shooting new footage with Tim and the new cast for the film he wrote.

I think that covers just about everything that has been lifting my spirts lately. Oh sometime this week I will be posting a new comic review, I'm not sure which I'll choose but I will try to put it in this week.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Unzip your head" with The Scribbler review.

Sup Gofio reader!? Cody here with a review on a comic book called "The Scribbler".

"The Scribbler" is a comic book series/graphic novel made by a man named Dan Schaffer. Dan Schaffer had attempted to put out his own twisted style, inking and writing into one comic book thus, we open our minds to The scribbler. The novel is about a woman with a extra large handful of personalities and her psychologist giving her a machine that "Burns" out the unwanted personalities. One of her many unneeded personalities is called “The Scribbler”. The scribbler wants to break out of Yuki's mind and become the only personality left in her skull. Yuki attempts to burn all her splits and ends up with just two of them.

The comic deals with one of my favorite subjects, Multiple Personality Disorder. Anything to do with split personalities, comas, advanced time travel, alternate dimensions, and black and white stylistics, I'm so there to help think about it with you. Back when Tim and I were writing film scripts and shooting short films, I always had a new script on the back burner, normally about one of the subjects listed above. When I first started reading this I really disliked it, but the art style kept me into it. I am really glade I didn't put it down.

The art in the book is a black and white/charcoal kinda look and it really feels like Dan Schaffer had taken pictures of people in poses and then sketched them into the book. I am truly unsure of how to describe it, it is an art to enjoy in person rather than a digitally scanned image. After staring at the pages for a number of time you almost feel disorientated, in a good/creepy way.

The writing in the book is straight forward and keeps you well informed of whats happening. You never make the mistake of who is saying what and they all have a interesting thing to be said. My only thing I didn't like about the characters speech is, at times they don't have a personality of their own. A difference in speech terms would have been nice.

The story as I told you above is a interesting one to me. The direction took about one to two chapters before I was even interested(enough to not put it down till finish). The flow of the book is straight to the point, tells you who she is, where she stays, and why she wants the voices in her head to stop. It quickly jumps from being just a simple story of a girl with more voices in her head than metro center mall, to a “Quick! Hit that button and get me some sugar, because I'm about to murder something!” The direction the book leads in makes me wish I had just a mere thousand dollars so that I could direct a fake trailer of the movie to show just how amazing it could be on the silver screen. Honestly, all I need is to pen up a script, find two female actresses and two male actors, a empty apartment and I could direct the hell out of the movie.

Wait, we are still in the comic review huh? Well The graphic novel is a mere $7.99 in stores, or on it is $6.39, I got lucky. I got the comic for a dollar over at atomic comic's “Ground Zero” zone. If I had to repurchase this comic for $7.99 without any other choice, I'd be ontop of it so fast! I really enjoyed reading this one and I look forward to finding some of Dan Schaffer's other books.

I rate “The Scribbler” 4.5 out of 5.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hack/Slash issue #11 review.

Sup fellow comic book readers, Cody here with a review on a comic called "HACK/SLASH" issue #11.

Okay so, when I first heard of this comic series I was at Atomic comic's looking for the free posters in the back that they often give away, and while I was chilling towards the back, a comic caught my eye. A super sexy girl in tight panties. Of course I picked it up and looked at it,(I am a guy after all :D) but after a moment of viewing it I realised it was in spanish. I was disapointed to see that, so I left the comic in the back and grabbed my star trek poster and left.

Fast forward >> six months later. It's a good day, rainy, and cold, I went for a visit to my comic book shop and arrive to see it's a sales day. 40% off back issue comics. I begun searching through every stack of back issues till I found a large number of interesting comics when I noticed, "Hack/Slash" stick out the top of a stack. I searched for the lowest number comic and found issue #11 for $5dollars minus the 40%.

Now I started reading the comic with high, but low expectations, I have been wanting to read it for months, kick ass looking art and sexy girls. This being issue #11 would mean I'd have no idea who she is, why she is fighting demons, who the people are, and so on. So I set my mind to a simple level and said to myself, "I'll read this one, and if I like it I will buy the 31 dollar graphic novel, but the chances are slim." Little did I know that the company "DDP" had a rocket of greatness packed away for me.

The comic starts off with a masked man with one eye killing people in very violent ways, we then meet our female lead, Cassie. Cassie(Our hero) searches for information about her father who left her when she was a baby. Now I could go into detail about everything but I won't. I'll just leave it at, She kills demons/murderers.

The art in Hack/Slash is a pale coloring with light sketching, the color puts you right in a dark interesting moods, really draws you in . The detail in the art really stood out to me in an odd way. I found myself studying the art work instead of flipping to the next page, constantly fighting with myself on wanting to get to the next sum of words and seeing the detail on the retarded demon dog.

For some reason I really want to create this demon dog in 3D.

The writing in the comic is amazing. I felt sorrow for the anti-hero, I felt the embarrassment from the demon dog and our hero's horny side. the love hate relationship of the vet assistant and our hero. every moment of the comic feels, solid, just perfect. This is the closest I will get to being able to say "I feel like the fans of the Buffy Comic series." I say that with pure hate for the Buffy comic's and the horrid fans that keep buying them. But it is of the same basic style, a female lead with a horny lust but is scared to be attached to someone for worries of hurting them, and spends every chance possible, she kills monsters/killers.

I couldn't be happier about buying this comic and I greatly await the time when I can buy the graphic novel. 4.5 out of 5 for issue #11.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

"Haunt" #2 comic review.

Sup Gofio readers! Cody here dropping part 2 of the "Haunt" comic series.

Ok, so I know I kinda bashed the first one in the face a few times, but lets face it, it sucked. Well a week ago I picked up issue #2 like I said I would and I must say, this one might be just on par or slightly better.

So the art style is the same exact print and like I said before I loved the style it's inked in, messy/scratch-art/thick colors. I love the style they picked cuz how it draws to my eyes, I am a sucker for it.

The writing in this one is much better, never pulling the rug from out your feet. it always is keeping you on track. You always know who is talking and is a little more interesting in plot points. To solve the speaking issue on who was saying what, they made the speaking bubbles closer to the right person and even designed ones for when he is in his venom suit.

This one starts where the other one left off where he kills two guys that shoot at him, he then notices the ear pieces in their decapitated heads and searches out the other fools where he in turn also murders them, all in the name of protecting the crack addicted girl. Oh, well another thing that happens is they tell you who she is. She happens to be Kurt's(Venom's Dead brother) wife (Amanda/Crack whore.)who I guess is in big trouble in someones eyes because, for some unknown to us reason, someone wants her kidnapped and brought into wherever the evil head quarters is, where she will more than likely be taken after getting stolen from our hero, and then dangled like a piece of meat over a saw blade/lava pit where our hero(S)make a hard choice to save her. Thats my guess, wanna bet on it?

Oh I forgot to mention the sissy fight between Venom and The Cable/Punisher. Todd McFarlane is the designer right? I mean, he made Spawn! Spawn being rather Original and creative, this on the other hand, tired-poor-idea thief. He basicaly just drew Cable wearing weapons/colors of punisher. This feels like a fan comic, Create your own stuff please.

Tell me that don't look exactly like venom/dark spiderman's inbred brother.

Alright lets be fair, now-a-days everything is a rip off of something else, right? So okay copy right flaws to the side, this comic still is under par for bad writing and understanding what the point is. If we don't know the name of our super hero by the second comics end, then why should I keep buying these at $3.00 a pop? I don't care for the pointless killing or the wasted ideas they call characters.

I'm not sure that I will be wasting my money on the third issue. I have a number of new comics and I plan on read those before wasting my time on these. I will give McFarlane another chance though. I have picked up two Spawn comics so I plan on reviewing them soon.

Okay bottom line, 2 out of 5.
