Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Unzip your head" with The Scribbler review.

Sup Gofio reader!? Cody here with a review on a comic book called "The Scribbler".

"The Scribbler" is a comic book series/graphic novel made by a man named Dan Schaffer. Dan Schaffer had attempted to put out his own twisted style, inking and writing into one comic book thus, we open our minds to The scribbler. The novel is about a woman with a extra large handful of personalities and her psychologist giving her a machine that "Burns" out the unwanted personalities. One of her many unneeded personalities is called “The Scribbler”. The scribbler wants to break out of Yuki's mind and become the only personality left in her skull. Yuki attempts to burn all her splits and ends up with just two of them.

The comic deals with one of my favorite subjects, Multiple Personality Disorder. Anything to do with split personalities, comas, advanced time travel, alternate dimensions, and black and white stylistics, I'm so there to help think about it with you. Back when Tim and I were writing film scripts and shooting short films, I always had a new script on the back burner, normally about one of the subjects listed above. When I first started reading this I really disliked it, but the art style kept me into it. I am really glade I didn't put it down.

The art in the book is a black and white/charcoal kinda look and it really feels like Dan Schaffer had taken pictures of people in poses and then sketched them into the book. I am truly unsure of how to describe it, it is an art to enjoy in person rather than a digitally scanned image. After staring at the pages for a number of time you almost feel disorientated, in a good/creepy way.

The writing in the book is straight forward and keeps you well informed of whats happening. You never make the mistake of who is saying what and they all have a interesting thing to be said. My only thing I didn't like about the characters speech is, at times they don't have a personality of their own. A difference in speech terms would have been nice.

The story as I told you above is a interesting one to me. The direction took about one to two chapters before I was even interested(enough to not put it down till finish). The flow of the book is straight to the point, tells you who she is, where she stays, and why she wants the voices in her head to stop. It quickly jumps from being just a simple story of a girl with more voices in her head than metro center mall, to a “Quick! Hit that button and get me some sugar, because I'm about to murder something!” The direction the book leads in makes me wish I had just a mere thousand dollars so that I could direct a fake trailer of the movie to show just how amazing it could be on the silver screen. Honestly, all I need is to pen up a script, find two female actresses and two male actors, a empty apartment and I could direct the hell out of the movie.

Wait, we are still in the comic review huh? Well The graphic novel is a mere $7.99 in stores, or on it is $6.39, I got lucky. I got the comic for a dollar over at atomic comic's “Ground Zero” zone. If I had to repurchase this comic for $7.99 without any other choice, I'd be ontop of it so fast! I really enjoyed reading this one and I look forward to finding some of Dan Schaffer's other books.

I rate “The Scribbler” 4.5 out of 5.


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