Friday, October 9, 2009

The Umbrella Academy review


This is my first comic review so please, bare with me.

This comic starts in, possibly one of the greatest way I think I have ever seen. It starts out with a large man wrestling a giant alien squid, the mans name is “Tusslin’ Tom” he preforms a “atomic flying elbow” drop onto the giant alien squid defeating him and earning a gold belt. This act of fantastic action/strangeness spawns forty-three gifted children to suddenly be birthed out of a handful of unlucky females around the world, the children are put up for adoption when a old man known as “Sir Reginald Hargreeves” who is also known as “The Monocle” drops everything and runs out to adopt as many of them as possible and only lands 7 of these gifted children. After a report to the press that his adopted sons and daughters will be the future savors of the world, he and the children vanish. One decade later Paris is in big trouble and needs the help of a talented group of children.

Now, when I bought the comic I expected it to have a straight forward story line but from what I gathered it jumps from when our heros are babies, to 10 year old's, then to adults living on their own and waiting to save the world again.

This left a dry taste in my mouth, I am now awaiting my next chunk of change I can Gleefully throw into Tfaw’s pocket so that I may read the next issues. The story, though feels like a rotting bridge, shaking in the wind ready to snap, somehow also sends the feeling of comfort in knowing that once you reach the end, and then you look back you’ll notice that there is enough support to make the cross back over it again. Or in other words, It is a interesting read though and slightly hard to understand, but if you look back at it once finished, you have a rush to the head making you want the next issues more.

The cover of this comic threw me off a tad, the cover holds three panels, all of which are rather colorful, yet the pages in the comic are often muted, more so on a gray scale with bursts of green and dark blue, You’ll find no Whinnie the pooh here kids, sorry.

The idea of the comic just reels me in, seven gifted children are brought into a world only to be called on to help save the world every decade or two. And one of them appears to be, not so gifted after all, or gifted in ways of writing anyways, Cursing her father for not caring about her due to the fact she has no powers, she yearns for the chance of revenge. Hook, line, and sinker.

This comic having solid writing, interesting story lines, and a perfect blah color scheme, makes one heck of a worthy comic. But the strange fact that Gerard Way is just mind boggling. I mean the singer of My Chemical Romance also writes comics? and award winning ones at that!?

Crazy, just crazy. Okay Cody Out!~

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