Friday, October 23, 2009

Video games: Or how I used to play them whenever I wanted.

Yo, Cody here with a short(I hope) look into my life revolving around my gaming habits.

Now I was going to bring this up on the second PodCast with Tim, but on second thought it would be a bad idea, I know that if he cut me off in the middle of this speech, I would Begin to stumble my words and not ending with the right note. This would bring me to a staring contest and sad face between my Fiance and myself.

Ok now, onward! I found myself today at 1:20 pm standing in my living room, staring at my xbox and my stack of video games. Games like "Gears of war 1-2" "Left 4 Dead" "Brutal legend" and "SAW"(SAW was gamefly'd, don't think I'd waste money like that do you?) I thought to myself, "which should I play before going to work? Gears? No, not very fun without Tim or Seb. L4D? Nah, that's more of a Bre and I kinda game. Brutal Legend!? Yes! wait no, Bre got bothered last time I played it without her. Okay this leaves "SAW", No, can't play that without Bre and my mom."

This brings me to my point. It sucks when people enjoy watching you play your video games. Being limited to a few old games and ones you have already beaten just because you have a friend or family member interested as well, it blows.

See but this where it gets worse. Every time I wait for Bre to play L4D, I have a great time, the team work is nearly flawless, we also have the same feelings about players without headsets, bam! Booted from the game. And to top it off, she won't get pissed when I leave her ass to die with the tank just so we can finish the level.

All of the games I named that I wait for her has its own advantage. Brutal Legend, she enjoys the story and way the game flows, she never tells me to turn the music off even though she hates metal. And she points out small things I might of missed and walked right by.

Now SAW, This one has its set of issues. See I have heard lots of good about this game, but its a game based on a set of movies, bad movies at that. But I had to rent it, it's Halloween time and it just felt like a good choice. I will be setting a review in a few days. Back on topic, in this case I'm waiting on Bre, and my mom. My mother barely ever wants to watch me play a game, but this is SAW and she is interested. Bre hasn't said much about wanting to watch it, I asked her in a grumpy mood so the answer was "Meh" at best. I want My Fiance by my side for this game just in case it has a "dark feeling and pop up bad guys: Or How I am to much of a scarredy-cat to play it alone." Again the waiting has its answer, I wait for her this way I can enjoy some games to a further possibility. Waiting on my mom though, that really sucks, she is a very busy woman.

I hate being impatient, but waiting for others to play a game when you have nothing else to do, is just plain boring. I guess GED and 3D are my only choices. Oh, and uploading the Gofio Podcast.

Cody Out!~


Tim Senzee said...

Dude, this is an extremely specific problem. Good post, but just pop that game in and play son'. Also: Halloween, Circue Du Freak? Looks kinda good.

Gofio-Critic said...

FAG. Sorry for the harshness, but its impossible to make the noise of a cracking whip through the print medium (well, not IMPOSSIBLE but the onomatopoeia THWAP! just doesn't comunicate the same verve). There's a reason its called "Single Player Mode". Who likes a backseat driver anyway? And WORSE a WOMAN backseat driver, now thats just sick... I thought this was a family place.

You've been HEEAAALED by the POWA of JEEEESUS,
