Thursday, November 26, 2009

A interesting Turkey day.

Today is Thanksgiving. Bre and I attended to a feast at my sister-in-law's home, while I was there I spoke with one of her family members, A well spoken, kind, and interesting man. He and I spoke with each other about his job as a designer for sleek airplanes. He put my mind at ease about a few things I had been wondering about lately via 3D modeling, and now I feel a lot better about some things and the way I am doing them. We also talked about film and the CG in today's film compared to that of an older time.

He told me that I should push at myself harder to get my GED and get into a school(Though I had already planned this, hearing it again helped me want it more.). I shall finish my 3D Turbine, keep up my work on the Christmas animation and push at myself much harder on my GED. He said something to me tonight that I hope I never forget "You can teach yourself your whole life, but there will always be other things people will be able to teach you that you cannot find out yourself."

Thanks for helping me find my passion again Larry.

Cody~Out and Happy Turkey~day everyone.

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