Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Note of Things to Come

Hello, I am Tim. I'll be the other contributer to this blog, and as such, I'll give you a little update on what goes on.

So, as you saw below, the poster for Marketorb is up. All I can say is it would not have been half as cool if Photoshop had not been involved. That's a great program. I hear it's pretty successful.

Anyway, Marketorb is a short I just finished writing ("finished" being a relative word, as any writer always changes things, even at the last minute. Like clay).

I got the idea from the old Battlefield 2142 In-Game advertisement fiasco, in which the game, or to be more precise, software within the game, reads your internet searches to find out what products you've been interested in.  Credit must be given to the Penny Arcade Podcast for talking about this subject, and making a great comic (involving Ostrich sex somehow) which alerted me to the subject.

As a filmmaker/writer/artist/gamer/huge penis/ my first thought whenever I hear something interesting like that, is "how can this be made into a full story".  In the case of this one, I just figured add in some characters and a setting, and you've got a story.

So, Marketorb takes place in the near future inside of your average grocery store.   Everything about this store is normal, except for two things: there are large HD Televisions placed on the end of each aisle, and there are large orb like cameras on the ceiling.

These cameras, Marketorbs, if you will, give a video feed back to a small observation room in the store.  This room is manned by two people, with the intent of observing the customers.

When a customer walks in, these two observers assess what product would suit him/her.   Say for example, a scruffy, unshaven gentleman walks in.  The observers would probably place an ad for a new Gillette Razor or something on the HD Screen, thereby marketing a product solely to that man.   Marketing on a personal level.

Of course, this film carries with it an anti consumerist message (to a degree) but it's not meant as a "lesson" film.  Really, it has a lot in common with something like Clerks.  These two "observers" sitting in their observation room, crack a lot of jokes at the expense of the people they're watching.  That's the core of the story, two people making fun of the quirks of other people, but there is an overall message to the movie.   It's not just entertainment, it's not just baseless complaining. I like to think there is a line which I walk.   Hopefully.  Maybe.

Anyway, thanks for reading.  Buy a shirt.  Or something.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poster makin' Damn it!

Okay so I gotta admit it, Tim makes one killer poster! I recently made a poster for my scripted short film called "YoshiFish" But I'll admit it doesn't add up to even half as bad ass as Tim's poster for "Marketorb" Of course the two short films are a huge difference in style and tone... yeah I'll leave my poor excuse as that for now. I will let Tim write up the info and everything on "Marketorb" but I am willing to tell ya about YoshiFish. "YoshiFish is a short film about a news reporter that goes to a small school for a report on the local science fair, but when a young man pours a mixture of unstable chemicals into a fish tank, a green tad pole begins to grown into a horrible monstrosity." Yeah, it sounds kinda "blah, same old goosebumps horror story" well if that's what you thought then Thank you because that's what I was going for :D. The short film will be shot in a serious tone but be funny in a twisted sense also like a documentary. The film will not start shooting till some time after "Marketorb" most likely, due to the fact I have my hands full with the "Obey the alter native" music video and my animated short "Boxes"(Has not started shooting or even started building sets yet only script)


My girlfriend and I went back to this and made this poster better.


Music video: Flash Photography

Yo, Cody here just giving a over due update on the status of Obey the alter native - Flash Photography music video. Tim and I were working on a live action chunk of the video but due to a extremely painful and time wasting error we could not mesh the 3D and reality video footage together, But I don't give up on things without a strong fight ( And that would be why I wasted nearly a month trying to get this live action part to work). So today I took some time out and re-drew the storyboard into a all 100% 3D animated video, sadly this does mean the video will take at least one or two months to finish due to my poor PC power and animation speed. I will be trying to upgrade my PC with a better video card sooner or later so it renders much quicker and will shorten the waiting time but for now I must say sorry and be chill, you will watch it sooner or later. For now just chew on these photos of the stage scene. And don't forget to check out the kick ass myspace music page of "Obey the alter native" to hear Flash photography and other song that rule!( Just click their name.^^^)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey! Cody here, just to keep you all posted on the current happenings, the site is still under construction and all that but for a few good reasons. I'm currently making a new logo for "Gofio", and am busy with other animations such as a music video for a kick ass local(If you live in Arizona) rap group called "Obey the alter native" (click "Obey" for link to their myspace page) witch brings a new and fresh style to rap, we need more like it. I'm also doing other much smaller test projects so I can keep getting better at 3D animation/CGI. As for Tim he is making the T-shirts that can be bought at (Click the URL for a jump to the website), at the moment there are very few T-shirts, but! I personally have seen a few unreleased shirts that even I can't wait to get my hands on. He is also writing up a bundle of new short films that hopefuly we can put into film soon. I have been handed one of his most recent scripts (Marketorb) and I'll go ahead and say, If it goes well in shooting, we could be looking a very good short film. Be on the look out for updates on "Marketorb" such as posters or filming production clips and podcasts. I don't want to over post here with a page of text, so I will save my poster, and plot for my short film "Yoshifish" for another day. Thanks for reading, go buy a shirt to help get the real Gofio site off the ground. Click the picture for a jump to Gofio's shirts.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The start of something new!

Hey! Cody here, this is the test site for Gofio, we would like to do a massive improvement on the site for example, a URL of our own and not a Blogspot. Help us make that possible by showing us you care even a tiny bit, post comments, send us E-mails. Gofio is a small Indie company made by Tim Senzee and Cody Reader. We make short films, a web show called "Merc 4 Hire", animations, T-shirts, and every so often a song. We will try to do weekly updates about our short films and other things we are working on, be on the look out for podcasts as well.