Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Music video: Flash Photography

Yo, Cody here just giving a over due update on the status of Obey the alter native - Flash Photography music video. Tim and I were working on a live action chunk of the video but due to a extremely painful and time wasting error we could not mesh the 3D and reality video footage together, But I don't give up on things without a strong fight ( And that would be why I wasted nearly a month trying to get this live action part to work). So today I took some time out and re-drew the storyboard into a all 100% 3D animated video, sadly this does mean the video will take at least one or two months to finish due to my poor PC power and animation speed. I will be trying to upgrade my PC with a better video card sooner or later so it renders much quicker and will shorten the waiting time but for now I must say sorry and be chill, you will watch it sooner or later. For now just chew on these photos of the stage scene. And don't forget to check out the kick ass myspace music page of "Obey the alter native" to hear Flash photography and other song that rule!( Just click their name.^^^)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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