Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poster makin' Damn it!

Okay so I gotta admit it, Tim makes one killer poster! I recently made a poster for my scripted short film called "YoshiFish" But I'll admit it doesn't add up to even half as bad ass as Tim's poster for "Marketorb" Of course the two short films are a huge difference in style and tone... yeah I'll leave my poor excuse as that for now. I will let Tim write up the info and everything on "Marketorb" but I am willing to tell ya about YoshiFish. "YoshiFish is a short film about a news reporter that goes to a small school for a report on the local science fair, but when a young man pours a mixture of unstable chemicals into a fish tank, a green tad pole begins to grown into a horrible monstrosity." Yeah, it sounds kinda "blah, same old goosebumps horror story" well if that's what you thought then Thank you because that's what I was going for :D. The short film will be shot in a serious tone but be funny in a twisted sense also like a documentary. The film will not start shooting till some time after "Marketorb" most likely, due to the fact I have my hands full with the "Obey the alter native" music video and my animated short "Boxes"(Has not started shooting or even started building sets yet only script)


My girlfriend and I went back to this and made this poster better.


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