Saturday, January 24, 2009

"To Phantom Sloth From OBEY"

So yesterday I hear my brother say, "To Phantom Sloth" in a low voice behind me as I played Banjo-Kazooie, I turned to see him holding a large envelope addressed to my nickname/gamer tag so I snatched it from him and opened it up, and behold the kick ass CD that we shall know as Obey the Altar Native: Obedience Cool.

The CD came in a small green paper slipcover with two words, "On iTunes" Of course I finished my race in Banjo-Kazooie then tossed the green slipcover and placed the cover in a CD Case giving it a well earned home.

I put the CD in my xbox and listened to all 22 tracks. Upon the listening I heard the ones I already love like "Radio Flyer" and "Written in blood", but listening to the CD has opened a new wave of Great songs like "Altar Native" and "High Noon Shadow". I had a moment of strange timing, I had thought to myself "Wow, this is great i cant believe how well he makes the rhymes works yet they really should rhyme at all." and then suddenly their song Cursive started playing, in the song he says "Why does every single rhyme I write go and flow together like i was spitting in cursive?" Haha strange.

Anyways, the new CD is currently on iTunes for a crazy low amount of $10 dollars! Thats a great deal seeing how if you bought a single song it will cost 99cents, so $1 X 22 = $22 so don't be a douche if your gonna buy a song think twice because they rule the mic and you'll end up wanting other songs, be smart now and buy the whole CD.

Oh and Obey if your reading this, next time do me a favor, sign it yo.

~Cody Out

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So finally, the site for "Real: Documentary of a Superhero" is live. Still got some kinks to work out, and some things to add, but for the most part, it's up. Check it out at:

As you can tell from reading the homepage, this site is the main way I'll be raising funds for the film. Why have I put so much effort into making promo stuff for the film, well before the actual start date? Because I'm trying to build up a presentation. A "proof of concept" for what the film will be. Why? So I can get your money.

That's the way I'm attempting the fundraising. Donations. On the site I've laid out my plans in full, and if someone thinks its interesting, they can give any amount.

Of course, the main course of action into making this plan actually work is exposure. So spread the word, aight?


Monday, January 5, 2009


Sup yo, Cody here with some interesting bits of info.

The other day I was hanging out with my good friend Josh when I had noticed something about the way he was talking about making a cup of coffee, paying no mind to it at first he later talked about making a sandwich, when suddenly the idea hit me, Josh is the best person I can find to play the lead in my short film "Food: A Tasteful Documentary.".

Yes, I feel your pain. Being left in the dark about something so, delicious. "Food: A Tasteful Documentary." is a short film I am currently writing. Though the final draft for the short film will be written by both Tim and I, I am the main writer due to getting the idea for the film one day while being held in a trance of sandwich making. We plan on shooting the film as a side project sometime this year, hopefully in the next few months.

Surprise! I bring to your attention yet again one of my 3D side projects, "Boxes: To something higher" When I had got the idea about six months ago I had no plan on where to take the idea, But yesterday I had sat down and messed around with a box, and from there I had made a box/man, giving me a story for the short film I call "Boxes: To something higher".

The Gofio Podcast will be made sometime soon, Tim bought me a new headset for Christmas so now Chris and I are perfectly good to record. Tim will be getting his very soon. The Podcast will include info about the Gofio team's short films/Feature films, game reviews, recent movies watched, and anything else we deem good enough to be brought up, for example the cake we will be eating on my birthday (Jan 7th).

And for your parting pleasure, Obey The Altar Native is going to be playing live in Tuscan on the 22nd and 23rd, they have asked me to make up a short video for them while they are on stage, and of course I'm going to the concert so why not do them a favor?

Cody Out!