Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So finally, the site for "Real: Documentary of a Superhero" is live. Still got some kinks to work out, and some things to add, but for the most part, it's up. Check it out at: realthemovie.com.

As you can tell from reading the homepage, this site is the main way I'll be raising funds for the film. Why have I put so much effort into making promo stuff for the film, well before the actual start date? Because I'm trying to build up a presentation. A "proof of concept" for what the film will be. Why? So I can get your money.

That's the way I'm attempting the fundraising. Donations. On the site I've laid out my plans in full, and if someone thinks its interesting, they can give any amount.

Of course, the main course of action into making this plan actually work is exposure. So spread the word, aight?


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