Monday, October 19, 2009

My, how they have grown.

Yo Cody here with some interesting news.

The first Team Gofio Podcast will be taking place later today, so the mp3 will be up later this week. We are very excited for it to take place. We got some great news on the way! So be on the look out.

In other news I'd like to say my comic book collection is becoming a monster of a addiction. I went from 4 comics in the year 2003 to 7 in 2006 to 9 in 2008 to being at Roughly, 147 in 2009. In one year I had bought roughly 140 comics.

Now at $3 a comic and 150 comics owned I have spent around $450 dollars in this year on comics alone. I now know where all my money has been going, aside from all the video games and trips to the movies with Bre and Tim. By the way Bre, Tim and I all suggest you go see Zombie Land.

I think its safe to assume you will be seeing many comic book reviews from me in the near future, I say this becuase my collection is growing so fast I now need a new comic box to hold the ones I know I'll be buying soon. Also I really enjoyed writting my first review on "The umbrella Academy" Which you can read by clicking THIS LINK HERE

Okay! I got some stuff to read and some stuff to write.

But we all know I'm going to just go play Brutal Legend till Tim gets to my house.

Cody ~ Out.

1 comment:

Gofio-Critic said...

Comic books my ass, sir! We ALL know about the hundreds of dollaroonies you've sunk into the ever delicious Taco Bell and its try hard cousin, Del Taco!

Also, I would very much appreciate a review of the World War Hulk series, which if you've already blown all your cash on Mexican Pizzas can be found in it entirety in excellent quality on several prominent torrent sites.

I'm out like Janet Jacksons breasts at a halftime show,
