Saturday, December 19, 2009

CRASHED/HAUNT comic review.

Heyo fellow readers! Cody here with three(ish) comic book reviews and some information on why my Christmas animation "Coup's Christmas" will never be appearing upon your frail flickering pc monitors.

I'll get the bad taste out of my mouth now. So the day before my deadline on the animation, I had stopped to take a rest from the animation, I had just finished 11 shots and rendered 5 shots. I was more than half way done while I was updating my information about this to a new Gofio post. Then a pop up flew on to my screen alerting me I had a virus, another came up and before I knew it my virus detector fell for a trap and let a virus right into my pc cutting my animation into a untellable story and my pc into pure trash.

"Coup's Christmas" was all lost in the crash 'cept a mere 5 shots I have rendered on my Mac and a bad voice over of me telling the story. Who knows maybe I'll go all out next year and do what I really wanted to do, make a bundle of render shots and print them into gloss paper and make a hard cover children's book for my family. Maybe I could get it published as well. Funny thought to me.

Now the Comic I'll be reviewing today is called "HAUNT" by Robert Kirkman and Todd McFARLANE

Now I'll be perfectly honest with ya, first thing I thought of when I saw this cover was two things 1: Venom? and 2: Cookies and milk candy bar. You might not get that same feeling from looking at the picture I'm posting with this for a simple reason, the copy I own is a third printing but the one you see is a special edition, though both are black and white, the one I own has shadows on it that give it a, blending kinda look.

Ok on with the review!

Is it just me, or have most new comics been trying to juggle to many characters and story lines at once? So in the first pages we join Kurt, speaking to a priest in a confessions booth about how he killed people due to it being his job as a special forces officer. we see him break into a compound and try to rescue a scientist and his subject so that he may help find a cure for a strange mutation. When Kurt and the scientist find his mutated living subjects, Kurt pops a bullet into the scientist's skull, then proceeds to help free/save the infected people. I'm am unsure of why he killed the scientist, I assume he was making the people worse? Okay so we fellow Kurt as he leaves the booth and has a conversation with his younger, wait no, older, uh, well his brother who looks younger but seems to be older, shit I'm confused.

He has a conversation with his brother(Daniel) who happens to be the priest who takes the confessions of murder from Kurt. He tells Kurt to go speak with his mother and that she misses him. Kurt leaves the church and goes for a walk, he stops at a near by crosswalk where he lets out a deep breath and reaches for his gun, for no apparent reason, but is cut short by a woman who injects him with a knock out drug and is then transported to a holding cell to get a beating of a life time so he will confess about the scientists research.

Suddenly from there we are now following his younger/older brother Daniel. we see him talking to Kurt in the back of a limo about a girl named Amanda, Daniel hates her and would like to avoid her, then he, demands, that Kurt vanish, 'cuz he is dead. Um, okay so I guess Kurt was killed and now Daniel see's him as a figment of his imagination.

Daniel is then visited by Amanda where she tells him that she is a pill junkie and has trouble sleeping, so she pops a pill to sleep but she can't wake up without someones help. So he sleeps on his couch and she takes the bed. Kurt shows up again to help warn Daniel that two men are breaking in. They open fire on Daniel but as the bullet zings towards his face, Kurt leaps toward Daniel and becomes one with each other causing a milky white substance to halt the bullet in front of his face(Not joking, milky white liquid that spews from his mouth.) and Daniel transforms into Venom a monster that looks like venom and rips the heads off of the two intruders(FBI agents?. End of Issue #1.

I feel like I wasted $3.00 on this comic. The art is good, lots of color and well placed panels, but all the guys look the same, and made it hard to tell who I was reading about. the story juggles too many things at once bringing many holes to the plot and no real reason to enjoy the story. I felt like Kirkman and McFARLANE got together and said, if we toss a half naked girl into the start, lots of gore, mutants, dual personality's and a pill popper into one comic, we might have a hit.

Now the first issue of a comic is made to give a taste of what the line of comics will prove to give us, and with that being said I am rather unsure about reading another one. I feel like this comic has promise, but only if the story line becomes more solid. I want to know why Kurt is a ghost/figment following Daniel. Why does Daniel suddenly have powers? Why should I care about Daniels pill junkie ex-girlfriend?

I do think I will pick up the next issue soon and give it a chance, but I suggest if you are interested in reading this one that you buy #1 and 2 or all 3 at once, #4 will be out soon.

Okay so on a scale of 1-5 of this comic I'd rate it a 2 and a half. Art style and paneling was nice to look at but lost points in being uncreative with the design of our brothers and hero. He looks like a Oreo remix of Venom (O_o) . the comic loses mad points on the fact that it juggles more than it can handle for a first issue. The writing in the comic flows alright but every now and then it gets confusing with how they would be saying something to the other person.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great are a well spoken guy..are your blogs really visable to the comic book world? Might consider getting into yahoo group for comic book lovers. You have alot to share! Good Luck!