Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kick-Ass comic review.

Sup Readers, Cody here with a review on a comic book my good friend Josh recommended me. Well it was a strange matter of timing really, I was staying at my friend Sebastian’s house and we were going to watch The Descent. I had got to talking about the second film that was supposed to come out this year (2009) but its already Dec 31 2009, I don't think its happening like that anymore. but it got me talking and I couldn’t recall the directors name, so I grabbed his ps3 controller and went online to IMDB and checked out his profile, I found out that another guy was directing The Descent 2, and was also directing a film named "Kick-Ass". Now of course I had to see what it was. So I read what it was about and then watched the trailer. I got so hyped for the movie when I saw that trailer. Link. When I got home my buddy Josh called me and I asked him if he had ever heard of a movie coming out soon called Kick-Ass. He paused and said, "You mean the comic book right? The one I recommended to you like three weeks ago? Hard to find?" I felt like a dumb ass. So I told him to check out the hella great trailer and I'd see if I could find any of the comics in my local store. I got lucky and got the first and second issues. So now I will Tell you what I thought of the first and second issues.

So, already hyped up from the upcoming film I opened up the comic and noticed, the trailer was a near word for word about the crazy guy in the start, I found it pleasing. The story is simple about a teenager in school that lost his mother at a young age and lives with his father who works night shifts. the first thing I noticed was the writing in this book feels great, very realistic. The talking flows perfectly and its next to impossible to be confused on who is speaking. The art in the comic is really well done. The detail in the shadows really caught my eyes. Nice coloring and interesting style of outlines, nearly what I like to call scratch art. The story of the first comic follows young Dave as he attempts to become a super hero and prove people wrong about super hero being useful in the world, so he makes a costume and picks a fight with his first section of hooligans, which ends rather badly for young Dave.

Before I keep writing I am going to read the second comic so that I may see how Dave gets out of this mess.

Okay, so Dave got his ass kicked, and hit by a car. His body was totaled and he tries to make a fast recovery, while he swears off ever going near that damn costume ever again. Well that didn’t last long as he is back to trying to kick ass and help a man in need, and man does he fight!

This comic has pulled me in more than any other I have ever read, even Uzumaki (Manga) doesn't hold a candle to this, and I stayed up till 3:30 AM one night reading Uzumaki just to finish it, well lets hope that reading all of Kick-Ass doesn't end the same way for me, I hated the ending of Uzumaki.

Bottom line on Kick-Ass is a 5 out of 5. The Style, Writing, Tone, Color, Characters, everything about Kick-Ass is perfect. This is one comic book series I greatly desire having tucked neatly into my custom comic box.

Cody ~ Out.

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